Of course, there were several options. But not for Majel;
she was a Ripley Warrior! Now being a Ripley Warrior won’t mean much to most
people who read this; but Majel grew up in the small town of Ripley, Oklahoma
and the high school sports teams were called the “Warriors”. She must have read
the quote that was framed and hung in the gymnasium there for all the years she
was a student. It read,
For when
the One Great Scorer comesTo write against your name,
He marks-not that you won or lost-
But how you played the game.
Well, Majel didn’t win the game against blindness, but she
did what any great warrior would do when faced with adversity. She continued to play the game and make new rules. Now that she was legally blind,
she would take up writing! And write she does!

I haven’t read Whimsy yet, but my wife has. Here’s
what she says. “Ms. Redick’s book,
Whimsy, transported me to one of those quaint rural communities that urbanites
often long for as an escape....She continues to tell her stories in the witty,
wise style of Garrison Keillor. There’s a theme and lesson throughout the book
of acceptance and love for one another, as well as finding joy in life.” Carolyn
Order Whimsy on Majel’s website where you can read more at http://majredick.tateauthor.com/2013/07/08/post/#more-19
and pick up her other book at Amazon.com.
Fascinating story of someone trumping adversity. And, Carolyn your wife writes a compelling review.