As prohibition was implemented, Galveston became a mecca for speak-easy operations which complimented its open gambling and prostitution. The cities’ business and political leaders welcomed this “off the books” economy. Some reports indicate that prostitution operations might gross $15,000 to $20,000 a week. Embracing these illegal activities didn’t stop after prohibition. In 1947, newly elected mayor Herbie ‘Thanks a Million’ Cartwright was quoted as saying, “If God couldn’t stop prostitution, why should I?”
Ruth Kempner, described in
her 2008 obituary as “the influential
matriarch of one of the Island’s oldest and most distinguished families” ran
for mayor in 1960. Kempner stood before reporters in the ‘red light district’
with one of the madams, ‘Big Tit Marie’, at her side and said, “But for the
grace of God, I would be in one of your houses. I believe people in your
profession have a place, and have always had a place, in our civilization, and
I'll do everything in the world I can to protect you." She won the election and became Galveston’s first
female mayor.
As much an
influence on Galveston’s history as any other was a pair of brothers who emigrated
from Sicily in the 1890’s. Sam and Rose Macio became the undisputed leaders in providing
vice activities to Galveston and the entire Galveston County area. Recognizing
the opportunities that came with prohibition, they ran bootleg operations,
gambling houses and prostitution enterprises. Even today, many Galvestonians
possess a romanticized view of the two brothers, especially Sam, who was said
to be a personable and persuasive character. In 1937 he was charged with narcotics trafficking but the
charges didn’t stick.

Not to be upstaged, even the Catholic Church has weighed in on Galveston's prostitution operations. Christopher E. Byrne, the Bishop of Galveston from 1918 until 1950, was quoted as having once said about the red light district, "We segregate mental and physical diseases. Let us do the same for moral sickness, for soul sickness...As long as man has free will some of us will fall into impurity."
Galveston society and its political structure, unlike that in most other parts of the 'Bible Belt South,' have always shown indifference, if not support, for the vices operating within its domain. Other Southern communities often publicly condemn, while privately indulging in the forbidden activities of prostitution, gambling and the fruit of the vine. No more available in Galveston than in other communities, the difference is that while those other communities deny its existence with ‘a wink and a nod,’ Galveston has been more likely to say ‘so what?’
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Fascinating political strategy that seemed to work well. I saved the biggest chuckle for the county sheriff who did not know what went on behind the closed doors of a members-only club because he was NOT a member--priceless.