

Meet Author Carolyn Ferrell Watts

I occasionally highlight the work of other writers on my blog and writing this week’s story was a special treat for me. My wife, Carolyn, has completed her first book, Magical Years to Learn with Liam. You might assume from the title that it is a children’s book and you would be right. Only 40 pages long and filled with eye-catching photos, children will love it! But it’s also a book for parents! Carolyn is a professional counselor with specialties in school psychology and family relationship therapy.

When kids become problem teens, some become just another statistic in our criminal justice system. With many of these young criminals a look back at their childhood reveals poor parenting from an early age. This is the case not only with the poor, minority kids raised in the slums and barrios, but for kids from middle-class and wealthy families also. And it’s not always about BAD parents, sometimes it's simply a lack of parenting information!

Just as there is a critical lack of training in schools and at home for young people to learn the basics of simple money management, there is also a void in training teens and young adults how to excel at parenting. They leave college or high school without a clue of how to manage their checkbook. They also marry and begin making a family without serious thought about the “how to” of raising children. Both are important and Carolyn’s book focuses on the second. Soon-to-be and current parents of a child seven years or younger can get a great start on parenting with this book.

Most of the joy of success or heartbreak of failure that people experience throughout life is tied to their ability to make good choices or decisions. This book teaches parents and children together how to make those choices during the child’s first seven years. It’s a simple book, intended to be read and shared with a child. The first seven years is the period of time that parents can have the most influence on the future behavior and skills for handling life.

The first steps in “taking the terrible out of the twos” and minimizing “teenage drama” are taught in this book. If you are a parent, grandparent or just have a young friend who is embarking on the task of parenting a child, this book could be the perfect gift.

In the words of Peggy Halyard, a Licensed Professional Counselor, “It is a gentle guide through areas that need attention when caring for a child. The captivating pictures and thoughtful wording help children and adults understand how to make good choices!”

Carolyn’s book can be purchased from her website at or from the CreateSpace and Amazon websites. I also invite you to share this blog with others who might benefit from better parenting skills.

1 comment:

  1. A glowing review that's well-deserved and a must-have resource for more effective parenting.
